The term Waterfowl relates to ducks, geese and swans. Domestic ducks and geese, (there are no domestic swans), have been selectively bred for meat, eggs or exhibition purposes. It is widely considered that all domestic ducks, with the exception of the Muscovy, have been bred from the Mallard and that all domestic geese, except the Chinese, originated from the wild Greylag Goose.

Ducks and geese are delightful birds and can give their owners much pleasure and enjoyment. They are hardy, very easy to keep and become trusting and responsive particularly with children. There are a wide variety of breeds of duck from the smallest Call Duck, no larger than a pigeon, to the big majestic Aylesbury. Geese are useful as friends, guards and lawnmowers but require a larger enclosure than most ducks. All birds should be enclosed and protected from predators but only need simple housing. Keeping pure breeds of ducks and geese gives the opportunity to take part in preserving some of the old breeds of domestic waterfowl.